在PHP中,APCUIterator是APCu扩展的一个类,用于迭代访问APCu中的缓存数据。而APCUIterator::getTotalSize方法用于获取APCu缓存中所有键值对的总大小。使用APCUIterator::getTotalSize方法可以通过以下代码示例:php$apcuIterator = new APCUIterator('', APC_ITER_ATIME
APCIterator::__construct() constructor is used to initialize a new APCIterator object. It provides an iterator over APC or APCu cache info entries.The constructor syntax is as follows:phppub
APCIterator::rewind in PHP is used to reset the iterator pointer to the first element of the APCu cache, so that subsequent iteration starts from the beginning again.Here is an example to illustrate