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Python 𝄐 0
python内存操作,python内存管理机制有哪些,python内存变量,python 内存结构,python内存处理,python 内存机制


1. ctypes模块:允许Python代码调用动态链接库(DLL或共享库)中的C函数,并将Python对象转换为C语言数据类型。例如:

import ctypes

# Load the C library
mylib = ctypes.CDLL('mylib.so')

# Call a C function that takes an int and returns a double
result = mylib.my_function(42)

2. buffer协议:允许Python对象暴露其底层内存表示形式,以便其他Python对象可以使用它作为缓冲区进行读取和写入。例如:

# Create a bytearray object with some data
data = bytearray(b'hello, world!')

# Get a memoryview of the bytearray's underlying memory
view = memoryview(data)

# Use the memoryview as a buffer to read and write data
buffer = view.cast('c')[7:13]
print(buffer.tobytes()) # b'world!'
buffer[:] = b'WORLD'
print(data) # bytearray(b'hello, WORLD!')

3. array模块:提供了一种高效的方式来创建和操作数值数组,这些数组可以直接映射到底层内存。例如:

import array

# Create an array of doubles with some data
data = array.array('d', [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

# Get a pointer to the array's underlying memory buffer
ptr, _ = data.buffer_info()

# Use a ctypes pointer to the memory buffer to access the data
cdata = (ctypes.c_double * len(data)).from_address(ptr)
print(cdata[1]) # 2.0