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Python PEP 612:形参规格变量(Parameter Specific

Python 𝄐 0
形参char *p,python中形参,python 形参类型,python改变形参,python指定形参类型,python 函数形参
Python PEP 612:形参规格变量(Parameter Specification Variables)是一项新的语言特性,旨在提高 Python 函数参数的灵活性和可读性。它允许在函数定义中使用变量来表示函数参数的默认值、注释和类型注解,从而使得这些信息可以更容易地被重复使用和维护。

具体来说,PEP 612 引入了两个新的语法元素:

1. 形参规格变量(Parameter Specification Variables),用于在函数定义中引用参数的默认值、注释和类型注解。
2. 参数列表转换指令(Parameter List Transformation Directives),用于在函数调用时对参数列表进行转换。


def greet(name: str, /, greeting = 'Hello', *args, prefix = '', suffix = '', **kwargs):
This function greets someone with a custom greeting and optional prefix/suffix.

name: the name of the person to greet (required positional argument)
greeting: the greeting to use (optional keyword argument, default is 'Hello')
args: additional positional arguments (captured as a tuple)
prefix: the prefix to add to the final greeting (optional keyword argument, default is '')
suffix: the suffix to add to the final greeting (optional keyword argument, default is '')
kwargs: additional keyword arguments (captured as a dictionary)
message = f"{greeting}, {name}!"
if args:
message += " " + " ".join(args)
if prefix:
message = prefix + " " + message
if suffix:
message += " " + suffix
return message

在这个例子中,我们使用了多种参数类型:必须的位置参数 name、仅限位置参数 /、可变位置参数 *args、可选的关键字参数 prefix 和 suffix,以及可变关键字参数 **kwargs。同时,我们还对参数进行了注释和类型注解。


def greet(name: str, /, greeting = 'Hello', *args: str, prefix = '', suffix='', **kwargs: int) -> str:
This function greets someone with a custom greeting and optional prefix/suffix.

name: the name of the person to greet (required positional argument)
greeting: the greeting to use (optional keyword argument, default is 'Hello')
args: additional positional arguments (captured as a tuple)
prefix: the prefix to add to the final greeting (optional keyword argument, default is '')
suffix: the suffix to add to the final greeting (optional keyword argument, default is '')
kwargs: additional keyword arguments (captured as a dictionary)
message = f"{greeting}, {name}!"
if args:
message += " " + " ".join(args)
if prefix:
message = prefix + " " + message
if suffix:
message += " " + suffix
return message

在这个新的函数定义中,我们使用了形参规格变量 args: str 和 kwargs: int 来引用参数 args 和 kwargs 的类型注解。同时,我们还使用了形参规格变量 -> str 来指定函数的返回值类型为字符串。


import inspect

docstring = inspect.getdoc(greet)


This function greets someone with a custom greeting and optional prefix/suffix.

name: the name of the person to greet (required positional argument)
greeting: the greeting to use (optional keyword argument, default is 'Hello')
args: additional positional arguments (captured as a tuple)
prefix: the prefix to add to the final greeting (optional keyword argument, default is '')
suffix: the suffix to add to the final greeting (optional keyword argument, default is '')
kwargs: additional keyword arguments (captured as a dictionary)
