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APCIterator::__construct() constructor i

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APCIterator::__construct() constructor is used to initialize a new APCIterator object. It provides an iterator over APC or APCu cache info entries.

The constructor syntax is as follows:

public APCIterator::__construct([mixed $cache[, mixed $search[, int $format[, int $chunk_size[, int $list]]]]])

- $cache (optional): Specifies the cache you want to iterate over. It can be either APC_CACHE or APC_USER or a custom cache name.
- $search (optional): Specifies a regular expression to filter the cache entries by their keys.
- $format (optional): Specifies the format for the iterator. It can be either APC_ITER_ALL, APC_ITER_KEY, APC_ITER_VALUE, or APC_ITER_MD5.
- $chunk_size (optional): Specifies the number of cache entries fetched per chunk.
- $list (optional): Specifies the type of caching list to iterate over. It can be either APC_LIST_ACTIVE or APC_LIST_DELETED.

Example usage:

$iterator = new APCIterator(APC_CACHE, '/^prefix_/', APC_ITER_VALUE, 100, APC_LIST_ACTIVE);

foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
echo "$key: $value\n";

In the example above, we create an APCIterator object with the parameters:
- Cache set to APC_CACHE, which represents the system cache.
- A regular expression filter for cache keys that start with 'prefix_'.
- Format set to APC_ITER_VALUE, which iterates over the values of cache entries.
- Chunk size set to 100, meaning 100 cache entries will be fetched at each iteration.
- List type set to APC_LIST_ACTIVE, which represents the active cache entries.

Then, we iterate over the APCIterator object and echo the key-value pairs of cache entries.

This is just a basic example of using APCIterator::__construct(). The actual usage depends on your specific requirements.