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FilesystemIterator::current() is a metho

php 𝄐 0
php filesystem类找不到,php filesystem
FilesystemIterator::current() is a method in PHP that is used to get the current file or directory in the iteration process. It returns the name or path of the current file or directory being iterated.

For example, let's say you have a directory called "mydir" with files "file1.txt", "file2.txt", and "file3.txt". You can use the FilesystemIterator class in PHP to iterate through these files and get their names like this:

$iterator = new FilesystemIterator('mydir');

foreach ($iterator as $file) {
echo $file->current() . "\n";

This code will output:


The FilesystemIterator class provides a convenient way to iterate over the files and directories in a directory. The current() method is used within the foreach loop to access the current file or directory in the iteration.