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Gmagick::queryfonts() is a function in t

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Gmagick::queryfonts() is a function in the Gmagick extension for PHP that is used to retrieve the available fonts on a system.

To use Gmagick::queryfonts(), you need to have the Gmagick extension installed and enabled in your PHP environment.

Here is an example of how you can use Gmagick::queryfonts():

$fonts = Gmagick::queryfonts();

foreach ($fonts as $font) {
echo $font . "<br>";

In the code above, the Gmagick::queryfonts() function is called and the returned array of font names is stored in the $fonts variable. Then, the foreach loop is used to iterate over each font name and echo it.

This is just a basic example of how to use Gmagick::queryfonts(). You can modify it according to your needs, such as performing some operations using the font names.

Please note that Gmagick requires the GraphicsMagick library to be installed on your system for it to work properly.