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Gmagick::readimageblob is a PHP function

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Gmagick::readimageblob is a PHP function that is used to read an image from a binary string or blob. It allows you to load image data directly from memory instead of from a file.

To use Gmagick::readimageblob, you need to pass the image data as a string to the function. Here is an example of how you can use it:

$imageData = file_get_contents('path/to/image.jpg'); // Read image file into a string
$gmagick = new Gmagick();

// Read the image from the blob

// Now you can perform operations on the image using Gmagick methods

// Write the modified image to file

In the example code above, we first read the image file into a string using the file_get_contents() function. Then, we create an instance of the Gmagick class and use the readimageblob() method to load the image data from the blob. After performing any necessary image operations, we can use the writeimage() method to save the modified image to a file.

Note that you need to have the Gmagick extension installed and enabled in your PHP configuration for this to work.