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Gmagick::trimimage() is a function in PH

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Gmagick::trimimage() is a function in PHP's Gmagick extension. It is used to remove any surrounding border from an image. When applied to an image, it trims off the edges and crops it to the smallest rectangle that contains all the opaque pixels.

Here's an example to illustrate how Gmagick::trimimage() can be used:

// Create a new Gmagick object
$image = new Gmagick('image.jpg');

// Trim the image using Gmagick::trimimage()

// Save the trimmed image

In this example, image.jpg is the input image file. trimimage(0) is called on the Gmagick object to remove any surrounding border. Finally, the trimmed image is saved as trimmed_image.jpg.

Note: Make sure you have the Gmagick extension installed and enabled in your PHP configuration for this code to work properly.