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GmagickPixel::getcolor() is a method in

php 𝄐 0
php gmp,php gmp扩展,php gmdate,php gmssl,php gmp的最大位数,php gmbh
GmagickPixel::getcolor() is a method in PHP's Gmagick extension that is used to obtain the color of a pixel in an image. It returns the color at the specified coordinate as an associative array containing the red (R), green (G), blue (B), and alpha (A) values of the pixel.

Here's an example of how to use GmagickPixel::getcolor():

$imagick = new Gmagick('path/to/image.jpg');
$pixel = $imagick->getcolor($x, $y);

// Output the RGB values of the pixel
echo 'Red: ' . $pixel['r'] . '<br>';
echo 'Green: ' . $pixel['g'] . '<br>';
echo 'Blue: ' . $pixel['b'] . '<br>';
echo 'Alpha: ' . $pixel['a'] . '<br>';