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PharData::buildFromDirectory() is a meth

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PharData::buildFromDirectory() is a method in PHP that is used to create a new phar archive from the contents of a directory. It allows you to package multiple files and directories into a single archive file.

Here is an example to illustrate how to use PharData::buildFromDirectory():

$directory = '/path/to/directory';
$pharArchive = '/path/to/archive.phar';

// Create a new PharData object
$pharData = new PharData($pharArchive);

// Build the archive from the directory

// Optionally, compress the archive

// Extract the archive (Example)

echo "Archive created successfully!";

In this example, $directory is the path to the directory whose contents you want to include in the archive, and $pharArchive is the path where you want to save the resulting archive file.

You can then perform various operations on the PharData object, such as compressing the archive, extracting its contents, or adding additional files.

Note that the Phar extension needs to be enabled in your PHP configuration for this method to work. Additionally, ensure that you have proper write permissions to the target directory and file.