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PharFileInfo::decompress is a method in

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PharFileInfo::decompress is a method in PHP that is used to decompress the data of a Phar archive file. It is typically used to extract or decompress files compressed with any of the supported compression algorithms like gzip, bzip2, and so on.

Here's an example of how to use PharFileInfo::decompress method:

$pharFile = new PharFileInfo('path/to/archive.phar.gz');

if ($pharFile->isCompressed()) {
$pharFile->decompress(); // decompress the file
echo "File decompressed successfully.";
} else {
echo "File is not compressed.";

In this example, we create a new PharFileInfo object with the path to the compressed Phar archive file. Then, we check if the file is compressed using the isCompressed() method. If it is compressed, we call the decompress() method to decompress the file. Finally, we print a message indicating whether the file was successfully decompressed.

Please note that the PharFileInfo::decompress() method only works on Phar archive files that are compressed and using a supported compression algorithm. If the file is not compressed or is compressed using an unsupported algorithm, the method will not have any effect.