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PharFileInfo::isCompressedGZ is a method

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PharFileInfo::isCompressedGZ is a method in PHP that allows you to check if a file within a Phar archive is compressed using the GZ compression format.

Here is an example to demonstrate its usage:

$pharFilePath = 'path/to/archive.phar';
$phar = new Phar($pharFilePath);
$pharFile = $phar['file.txt'];

if ($pharFile->isCompressedGZ()) {
echo "The file is compressed using GZ format.";
} else {
echo "The file is not compressed using GZ format.";

In this example, we first create a Phar object using the path to the Phar archive. Then, we access a specific file within the archive using its name or index. Finally, we call the isCompressedGZ method on the PharFileInfo object to check if the file is compressed using the GZ format. The method returns true if the file is compressed with GZ and false otherwise.

Note: The example assumes that you have already created a Phar archive and you are accessing a specific file within it.