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ReflectionProperty::getDocComment() is a

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ReflectionProperty::getDocComment() is a method in PHP's ReflectionProperty class that retrieves the PHPDoc comment for a property.

The PHPDoc comment is a special type of comment that provides additional information about a class, function, or variable.

To use ReflectionProperty::getDocComment(), you first need to create a new instance of the ReflectionProperty class, passing the class name and property name as parameters to the constructor. Here's an example:

class MyClass {
/** @var string This is a property */
public $myProperty;

$reflectionProperty = new ReflectionProperty('MyClass', 'myProperty');
$docComment = $reflectionProperty->getDocComment();

echo $docComment; // Output: /** @var string This is a property */

In this example, the ReflectionProperty object is created for the myProperty property of the MyClass class. Then, the getDocComment() method is called to retrieve the PHPDoc comment associated with the property.

You can then use the retrieved PHPDoc comment for various purposes, such as parsing the comment to extract type information or other metadata.

Note that the getDocComment() method returns the PHPDoc comment as a string, including the opening /** and closing */ characters.