SolrQuery::setMltMaxWordLength is a meth
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SolrQuery::setMltMaxWordLength is a method in the PHP Solr extension that is used to set the maximum number of words in a document to use for generating the MoreLikeThis (MLT) query.
The MoreLikeThis query is used to find similar documents based on the content of a given document. It analyzes the content and identifies relevant terms to find similar documents in the Solr index.
The setMltMaxWordLength method allows you to specify the maximum number of words in a document to consider for generating the MLT query. This can help control the size and specificity of the MLT query results.
Here is an example of how you can use setMltMaxWordLength:
$query = new SolrQuery();
$response = $client->query($query);
In the above example, we create a new SolrQuery object and set the MoreLikeThis parameters - setMlt(true) enables the MoreLikeThis feature, setMltFields('content') specifies the fields to consider for MLT analysis, and setMltMaxWordLength(100) sets the maximum number of words in a document to consider for MLT.
You can adjust the value passed to setMltMaxWordLength based on your requirements and the size of your documents.
SolrQuery::setMltMaxWordLength is a method in the PHP Solr extension that is used to set the maximum number of words in a document to use for generating the MoreLikeThis (MLT) query.
The MoreLikeThis query is used to find similar documents based on the content of a given document. It analyzes the content and identifies relevant terms to find similar documents in the Solr index.
The setMltMaxWordLength method allows you to specify the maximum number of words in a document to consider for generating the MLT query. This can help control the size and specificity of the MLT query results.
Here is an example of how you can use setMltMaxWordLength:
$query = new SolrQuery();
$response = $client->query($query);
In the above example, we create a new SolrQuery object and set the MoreLikeThis parameters - setMlt(true) enables the MoreLikeThis feature, setMltFields('content') specifies the fields to consider for MLT analysis, and setMltMaxWordLength(100) sets the maximum number of words in a document to consider for MLT.
You can adjust the value passed to setMltMaxWordLength based on your requirements and the size of your documents.