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Yaf_Route_Simple::__construct() is a con

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Yaf_Route_Simple::__construct() is a constructor method of the Yaf_Route_Simple class in PHP. It is used to initialize an instance of the Yaf_Route_Simple class.

Yaf_Route_Simple is a simple route class in the Yaf framework that routes incoming requests to respective controller actions based on the request URI.

The __construct() method of Yaf_Route_Simple takes parameters that define the route pattern and the corresponding controller and action that should handle the request.

Here is an example of how to use it:

$route = new Yaf_Route_Simple(':controller/:action');

In this example, the route pattern is defined as ":controller/:action" which means the request URI should have two parts separated by a slash. The first part will be the controller name, and the second part will be the action name.

For example, if the request URI is "user/edit", the Yaf framework will find a controller named "UserController" and call its "editAction()" method to handle the request.

This is just a basic explanation of how to use Yaf_Route_Simple::__construct(). You can refer to the Yaf documentation or the framework's source code for more detailed information.