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Yaf_Route_Supervar::__construct is a cla

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Yaf_Route_Supervar::__construct is a class constructor in the Yaf framework in PHP. Its purpose is to initialize an instance of the Yaf_Route_Supervar class, which is used for routing requests based on the values of superglobal variables.

The constructor takes an optional parameter $supers, which is an array of superglobal variables to be used for routing. By default, the constructor uses $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, and $_ENV as the superglobal variables.

Here is an example of how you can use Yaf_Route_Supervar::__construct:

$route = new Yaf_Route_Supervar(array(
'myvar1' => 'value1',
'myvar2' => 'value2'

In this example, the Yaf_Route_Supervar constructor is used to create a new instance of the class, and it specifies that requests with myvar1 and myvar2 variables set to 'value1' and 'value2', respectively, should be routed to a specific controller or action.

This constructor allows you to customize how the routing is determined based on the values of superglobal variables. You can define your own set of variables and values that should be used for routing, which can be helpful in creating custom URL structures or handling specific request parameters.