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APCIterator::rewind in PHP is used to re

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APCIterator::rewind in PHP is used to reset the iterator pointer to the first element of the APCu cache, so that subsequent iteration starts from the beginning again.

Here is an example to illustrate its usage:

$iterator = new APCIterator('user', '/^prefix_/');
// Iterate through the cache entries
foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
echo $key . ' => ' . $value . '<br>';

// Reset the iterator pointer to the beginning

// Iterate through the cache entries again, starting from the beginning
foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
echo $key . ' => ' . $value . '<br>';

In the above example, APCIterator is used to iterate through the cache entries with a specified prefix. The rewind() method is called after the first iteration to reset the iterator pointer.

By using rewind(), you can reuse the same iterator to iterate through the cache entries multiple times without creating a new iterator object.