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Gmagick::edgeimage is a method in the Gm

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Gmagick::edgeimage is a method in the Gmagick library for PHP that applies an edge detection filter to an image. When this method is called, it analyzes the intensity gradients of the pixels in the image, and highlights the boundaries between different colors or regions.

Here is an example of how you can use Gmagick::edgeimage:

// Create a new Gmagick object and load an image
$gmagick = new Gmagick('path/to/image.jpg');

// Apply the edge detection filter to the image
$gmagick->edgeimage(1); // You can adjust the radius parameter for different effects

// Save the modified image

In this example, the edgeimage method is called on a Gmagick object, passing a radius parameter of 1. The radius parameter defines the range around each pixel that will be considered in the calculation of the edge detection. You can experiment with different values to achieve different effects.

After applying the edge detection filter, the modified image can be saved using the writeImage method, specifying the output file path.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.