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SolrQuery::addGroupFunction() is a metho

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SolrQuery::addGroupFunction() is a method in the PHP Solr Extension that is used to apply grouping functionality to Solr queries.

With this method, you can group the search results based on a specific field or function. It allows you to group documents together based on a common attribute, such as category, author, or date.

Here is an example to demonstrate how to use SolrQuery::addGroupFunction():

$query = new SolrQuery('*:*');

$response = $client->query($query);
$results = $response->getResponse();

In the above example, the SolrQuery object is created with a universal query (*:*). The group function is then defined using the addGroupFunction() method, specifying the field "category" for grouping the documents. Finally, the rows property is set to 0 to exclude the actual search results and only retrieve the grouping information. The query is executed using the Solr client, and the response is obtained.

You can then access the grouping information from the response object returned by Solr, which will contain the number of groups, documents in each group, and other relevant details.

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions!