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PharData::compressFiles() is a method in

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php Phalanger,php PharData解压tar,phpphp爱好者,phpphotoerrordomain,phpphtp,phpphoto
PharData::compressFiles() is a method in PHP that allows you to compress multiple files and directories into a tar/zip archive.

Here is an example of how to use PharData::compressFiles():

$archiveFile = 'archive.zip';

// Create a new PharData instance
$archive = new PharData($archiveFile);

// Add files and directories to the archive

// Compress the files and directories into a zip archive

echo "Files and directories compressed into $archiveFile";

In this example, we create a new PharData instance with the filename for the archive we want to create. We then use the addFile() method to add individual files and the addDirectory() method to add directories to the archive.

Finally, we call the compressFiles() method, passing Phar::ZIP as the compression type. This will compress the added files and directories into a zip archive. You can use Phar::TAR for creating a tar archive instead.

The compressed archive will be saved as the specified filename ($archiveFile in this example). The example prints a success message indicating the filename of the created archive.

Please note that the Phar extension must be enabled in your PHP configuration for this functionality to work.